Word of Encouragement
The call of God is a summon to people to come to Him through faith in Christ and to live as servants of His Kingdom. Paul, for instance, said that he was "called" to be an apostle. Acts 9:15 says, “He is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and children of Israel.”. Paul regarded himself as “called to be an apostle.” He is emphasizing here more on the words called/chosen more than the word apostle. For us believers today, like Paul, we are called for Jesus Christ. It also means a change of conduct and character - as Christ’s followers.
The point is that no matter what we do, we are all called to serve Christ. What makes the issue of calling important is not us, but the One who calls us.
Deacon means one who serves, not only serves but one who ministers. Serving means performing any activity that contributes to the good of the church and community. Jesus wants us to minister to everybody without any reservation. Remember Jesus came not to be served but to serve and to give His life (Matt. 20:28). This is a basic quality of a true believer and follower of Jesus in action. This applies not only to us deacons but also to those in all sorts of ministries of the church.
In Col. 3:23-24 says: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you will know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord you are serving.” You are called to be faithful, not to be appreciated.
Serving God is a privilege, not a burden. If God gives you an assignment, consider yourself blessed. You’re in His hands to carry out His plans for you. What’s important is that He’s chosen to include you in His activity. Just trust in Him in any given opportunity to serve Him, you’ll know that He considers you faithful.
In 1 Tim. 1:12 says: “I give thanks to Him who has granted me strength and made me able because He has judged and counted me faithful and trustworthy, appointing me to the ministry.”
What does God look for in his servants? Is it cleverness, ability, strength or talent? He looks for your Faithfulness. Amen.
Elvie Rufo
Deacons Ministry Leader
Rolly Rufo
Precy Baltazar
Vangie Rixon
Maricris De Laza
Dr. Bing Guinto
Linda Leviste
Lou Cabrera
Racel Delgado
Emily Riebel
Ervine and Neneth Olvina
Norman and Olive Estrabillo
Claro and Mita Guinto
Gil and Susan Tiama
Ramon and Thez Sulangi
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