Echo Youth

Vision Statement
Raising up the young generation to serve and lead through the Spirit with
unshakable faith and love, with hearts ready to share the Good News.
“To serve and lead through the Spirit…”
We believe that our one and only Master is God and therefore, we want to serve Him with glee as we are led by His Spirit. We also intend to raise children who will pursue the word of God, so that they may inspire others to do the same. As Jesus came down to lead others to God, we aspire to help His people meet Jesus. We believe that we are all called to be His servants and children and we want to help provide the opportunity so that all may experience His presence.
“With unshakable faith and love…”
We intend to raise children who will take initiative with their faith and become sensitive to His voice, so that we may fulfill His Will. We also intend to honour the commandments of loving our Lord with our whole being as well as loving those around us, just as Jesus did.
"Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an examplefor the believers
in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity..." - 1Timothy 4:12
Why “1 Timothy 4:12”?
We believe that the young people are the future of our church, and so we want to help raise them in a way that they are confident about their faith and are eager to spread the Word of God in their day to day lives. We truly believe that the global church is one body and we want to raise our children to embody this verse so that they carry out their purpose in Jesus name. In reference to Echo, our goal is to embody this verse so that our example is a replication of the way that Jesus lived.
Agape Youth Leaders
Lorelie Manaloto
Jesse Leonard
Jahaziel Dela Cruz
Why “Echo Youth”?
Essentially, we believe that our actions, our words, our thoughts, need to imitate and resemble the example that Jesus has made, much like how an echo repeats and imitates a sound. Moreover, we believe that everything that is done in this life, has an impact on eternity. Therefore, we want to challenge our children to think about what habits they are developing now which will have an effect on their own eternity and the eternity of others, with regards to their influence.
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